
Purchase Orders


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In EveryAnswer, managing your Expert subscriptions involves keeping track of various details, including Purchase Orders (POs). Understanding how to associate and handle PO numbers with your subscriptions can streamline your billing process and ensure accurate tracking of your expenses.

Associating PO Numbers with Experts

Each Expert (subscription) created in EveryAnswer can have an associated PO number, allowing you to track billing and manage financial records effortlessly. Multiple Experts can share the same PO number, making it simpler to consolidate expenses under a single reference.

How to Add a PO Number to an Expert

  1. Navigate to the Expert Management section of the EveryAnswer platform.
  2. Select the Expert you wish to associate with a PO number.
  3. In the Expert’s settings, find the field labeled PO Number.
  4. Enter the desired PO number and click Save.

Invoicing Rules

Understanding the invoicing rules in EveryAnswer is crucial to managing your payments effectively. Here's how invoices are generated based on PO numbers and payment methods:

Bundling of Invoices

  • Experts that share both a PO number and a payment method are bundled together on the same invoice. This helps in consolidating charges for easier tracking and payment.
  • Experts with the same PO number but different payment methods are invoiced separately. This ensures clarity in payment traceability.
  • If no PO number is provided, Experts with the same payment method are grouped together on the same invoice. This helps in simplifying payment processes when PO numbers are not utilized.

Example Scenarios

Scenario 1: Single PO Number, Single Payment Method

If you have multiple Experts sharing the same PO number and payment method, they will be billed together on a single invoice. For instance, if PO number "PO123" is used for three Experts all paid via the same credit card, you will receive one invoice covering all three Experts.

Scenario 2: Single PO Number, Multiple Payment Methods

In case the same PO number is used for multiple Experts but different payment methods are specified, each payment method will generate a separate invoice. For example, if PO number "PO123" is associated with two Experts, one paid by credit card and the other by bank transfer, you will receive two separate invoices.

Scenario 3: No PO Number, Single Payment Method

If no PO number is provided, all Experts using the same payment method will be bundled together on a single invoice. This simplifies payments when PO numbers are not required for your billing process.

Scenario 4: No PO Number, Multiple Payment Methods

When no PO number is provided and different payment methods are used, each payment method will generate its own invoice. This maintains clarity in the billing process.

Payment Methods

Every Expert can have its own payment method, giving you the flexibility to manage finances according to your organizational needs.

Related Documentation

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I add a PO number to an Expert in EveryAnswer?
To add a PO number to an Expert in EveryAnswer: 1. Navigate to the Expert Management section of the platform. 2. Select the Expert you wish to associate with a PO number. 3. In the Expert's settings, find the field labeled PO Number. 4. Enter the desired PO number and click Save.
How are subscriptions grouped on invoices?
Subscriptions are grouped based on the payment method and Purchase Order (PO) numbers. Subscriptions using the same payment method are grouped on a single invoice, while subscriptions using different payment methods are billed separately. Subscriptions with matching PO numbers and the same payment method are grouped together, whereas those with different payment methods appear on separate invoices.
Can multiple Experts share the same PO number in EveryAnswer?
Yes, multiple Experts can share the same PO number in EveryAnswer, making it easier to consolidate expenses under a single reference.
How are invoices handled if no PO number is provided?
When no PO number is provided, invoices are bundled based solely on the payment method. Multiple Experts using the same payment method will be grouped together on a single invoice. However, if Experts without a PO number have different payment methods, they will be separated onto different invoices.
What is an example scenario where multiple Experts share a single PO number and payment method?
When multiple Experts share a single PO number and payment method, they are put on the same invoice and charged together.
What happens if multiple Experts share the same PO number but use different payment methods?
When multiple Experts share the same PO number but use different payment methods, they are placed on separate invoices. The payment method takes precedence over the shared PO number in determining how invoices are grouped. This means that each Expert will receive their own individual invoice, despite having the same purchase order number. The invoicing system prioritizes the payment method as the primary factor for invoice separation, even when a common PO number exists. This approach results in multiple invoices being generated for the same purchase order.
Can each Expert have a different payment method?
Yes, each Expert can have its own payment method in EveryAnswer, providing flexibility to manage finances according to organizational needs.
Why is it important to understand the invoicing rules in EveryAnswer?
Understanding the invoicing rules in EveryAnswer is crucial for managing payments effectively, ensuring accurate billing, and maintaining clear financial records.
What benefit does bundling invoices provide?
Bundling invoices provide the benefit of consolidating charges for easier tracking and payment.
What is the impact of having Experts with the same PO number but different payment methods?
When Experts have the same PO number but different payment methods, they are placed on separate invoices. This can lead to individual processing of payments, potentially increasing administrative work and complexity in reconciling accounts. It may also result in variations in payment timing for Experts working on the same project. This contrasts with situations where Experts have the same PO number and payment method, in which case they are grouped on the same invoice and charged together. The separation based on payment method, even with a shared PO number, highlights the importance of payment method in determining invoice grouping and processing.
How does not providing a PO number affect invoice bundling?
When no PO number is provided, invoices are bundled based solely on the payment method. This means that multiple Experts or services using the same payment method will be grouped together on a single invoice, even if they're not related to the same project or client. This approach simplifies the invoicing process for services without assigned PO numbers and allows for efficient processing of multiple items sharing a payment method. However, it's important to note that if items without a PO number have different payment methods, they will still be separated onto different invoices. This system of bundling can streamline processing for related items but may require careful tracking to ensure all services are properly accounted for when they lack specific PO numbers.
Is it necessary to use a PO number for every Expert in EveryAnswer?
No, it is not necessary to use a PO number for every Expert. If no PO number is provided, invoicing will still be managed based on the payment methods used.
Why might an organization choose to use PO numbers for Experts in EveryAnswer?
An organization might choose to use PO numbers for Experts in EveryAnswer to streamline their billing process and ensure accurate tracking of expenses.
Last Updated:
August 29, 2024