
Zero Usage Policy


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The Zero Usage Policy ensures that EveryAnswer's resources are allocated efficiently and effectively, particularly for users on the Starter (Free) plan. This policy targets Experts that have not had any user-initiated conversations for a specified duration, thereby maintaining the quality and performance of the platform for active users.

Inactivity Monitoring

EveryAnswer actively monitors the engagement levels of Experts on the Starter plan.

Monitoring Period

An Expert is considered inactive if it records no conversations over a period of 75 days.

Procedures for Inactive Experts

Warning Notification

Admins receive a warning notification after 60 days of inactivity, alerting them to engage with the Expert.

Cancellation of Inactive Experts

Experts that remain inactive for 75 days are subject to cancellation. The cancellation process is as follows:

  • Inactive Experts are deactivated at the end of the current billing period.
  • A cancellation notification is sent to the admin when an Expert is scheduled for cancellation.
  • This cancellation will not affect other Experts in the Workspace.

Expert Deactivation and Deletion Process

After deactivation, admins have a 14-day grace period to restore their Expert:

  • Deactivated Experts not restored within the 14-day grace period are permanently deleted. For more details, see Deleting an Expert.
  • All data and conversation history associated with the Expert will be deleted along with the Expert.
  • This action will not remove users or payment methods from EveryAnswer.

Restoration of Cancelled Experts

Admins can restore their deactivated Expert during the 14-day grace period:

  • After restoration, admins must promptly initiate a conversation to avoid re-flagging for zero usage.

For detailed instructions, refer to the Restoring a Cancelled Subscription section.

Maintaining Active Status

Regular interaction with the Expert is essential to maintain an active status:

  • The Starter (Free) plan remains free as long as the Expert is actively used.

Rationale Behind the Policy

The Zero Usage Policy helps maintain platform efficiency and cost-effectiveness:

  • Ensures resources are devoted to active users.
  • Promotes regular utilization of the platform to sustain the quality of service.

Compliance and Best Practices

To ensure compliance with the Zero Usage Policy:

  • Admins are encouraged to engage consistently with their Experts to avoid deactivation.
  • Regular interactions help admins extract maximum value from the Starter (Free) plan.
  • Compliance is crucial for maintaining an active presence on EveryAnswer.


This Zero Usage Policy specifically applies to Experts on the Starter (Free) plan. It is designed to identify and manage inactive Experts within this plan.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is EveryAnswer's Zero Usage Policy?
EveryAnswer's Zero Usage Policy is a resource management strategy for Experts on the Starter (Free) plan. It aims to optimize platform efficiency by monitoring Expert engagement over a 75-day period. If an Expert records no user-initiated conversations during this time, it's considered inactive. Admins receive a warning after 60 days of inactivity. After 75 days of zero usage, the Expert is subject to cancellation and deactivation at the end of the current billing period. Following deactivation, there's a 14-day grace period for potential restoration. If not restored, the Expert and all associated data are permanently deleted. To maintain active status and continue using the free plan, regular interaction with the Expert is necessary. This policy helps EveryAnswer maintain cost-effectiveness, uphold service quality, and focus resources on active users while encouraging regular platform utilization.
What defines zero usage on EveryAnswer?
Zero usage on EveryAnswer refers to a situation where an Expert on the Starter (Free) plan receives no user-initiated conversations over a 75-day period. The platform actively monitors engagement levels, and if an Expert goes without any interactions from users for this duration, it's classified as having zero usage. This definition is part of EveryAnswer's resource management strategy, designed to identify inactive Experts and optimize platform efficiency. It's important for users to engage with their Expert regularly to maintain active status and avoid being flagged for zero usage. Even a single conversation within the 75-day window is sufficient to reset the inactivity counter and keep the Expert active on the platform.
How long does it take for an Expert to be flagged as inactive?
An Expert on EveryAnswer's Starter (Free) plan is flagged as inactive after 75 days of zero usage. During this period, the platform monitors engagement levels, looking for any user-initiated conversations with the Expert. If no such interactions occur over the 75-day timeframe, the Expert is identified as inactive. It's worth noting that administrators receive a warning notification after 60 days of inactivity, giving them a 15-day window to initiate activity before the Expert is officially flagged as inactive.
What happens after 60 days of inactivity?
After 60 days of inactivity for an Expert on EveryAnswer's Starter (Free) plan, the platform sends a warning notification to the administrators. This notification serves as an alert that the Expert is approaching the threshold for being flagged as inactive. The warning is designed to give admins a 15-day window to take action before the 75-day inactivity mark is reached. During this period, administrators have the opportunity to initiate activity with the Expert to prevent it from being classified as inactive. This proactive approach allows users to maintain their Expert's active status and avoid potential cancellation.
What occurs if an Expert remains inactive for 75 days?
If an Expert on EveryAnswer's Starter (Free) plan remains inactive for 75 days, it becomes subject to cancellation under the Zero Usage Policy. At this point, the Expert is scheduled for deactivation, which will occur at the end of the current billing period. The platform sends a cancellation notification to the administrator, informing them of the impending deactivation. Once deactivated, the Expert enters a 14-day grace period during which it can be restored by the admin. If no action is taken within this grace period, the Expert and all its associated data, including conversation history, will be permanently deleted. This process doesn't affect other Experts in the Workspace or remove users from EveryAnswer.
Does the deactivation of an Expert affect other Experts in the Workspace?
The deactivation of an Expert due to EveryAnswer's Zero Usage Policy does not affect other Experts in the same Workspace. When an Expert on the Starter (Free) plan is deactivated after 75 days of inactivity, the process is specific to that individual Expert only. Other Experts within the Workspace remain unaffected and continue to function normally, regardless of their usage levels or plan types.
What is the grace period after an Expert is deactivated?
After an Expert on EveryAnswer's Starter (Free) plan is deactivated due to 75 days of inactivity, a 14-day grace period is initiated. This grace period serves as a final opportunity for administrators to restore the deactivated Expert. During these 14 days, the Expert remains in a suspended state, allowing for potential reactivation without permanent loss of data. If the admin chooses to restore the Expert within this timeframe, they can do so and regain full access to the Expert's functionalities and associated data. However, it's crucial to note that if no action is taken within this 14-day window, the Expert and all its related data, including conversation history, will be permanently deleted from the platform.
What happens if a deactivated Expert is not restored within the 14-day grace period?
If a deactivated Expert on EveryAnswer's Starter (Free) plan is not restored within the 14-day grace period, it is permanently deleted from the platform. This deletion process is irreversible and comprehensive. All data and conversation history associated with the Expert are permanently removed, and the Expert itself is completely erased from the system. This means that any valuable information or interactions stored within the Expert's history will be lost. However, it's important to note that this deletion process is specific to the Expert and does not affect other aspects of the user's EveryAnswer account. Users are not removed from EveryAnswer, and any payment methods associated with the account remain intact. Other Experts in the Workspace also remain unaffected.
What must admins do immediately after restoring a deactivated Expert?
After restoring a deactivated Expert on EveryAnswer's Starter (Free) plan, admins must promptly initiate a conversation with the Expert. This immediate action is crucial to prevent the Expert from being re-flagged for zero usage. By initiating a conversation, admins reset the inactivity counter, ensuring the Expert remains active on the platform. This step is essential because even though the Expert has been restored, it's still subject to the Zero Usage Policy. Without prompt interaction, the Expert could quickly revert to an inactive status, potentially leading to another deactivation cycle. Admins should view this initial conversation as a way to reactivate the Expert's functionality and demonstrate its continued value to the platform.
Is the Starter (Free) plan free permanently?
The Starter (Free) plan on EveryAnswer remains free as long as the Expert is actively used. This means that users can continue to benefit from the free plan indefinitely, provided they maintain regular interaction with their Expert. The key to keeping the plan free is consistent usage that complies with EveryAnswer's Zero Usage Policy. As long as there is at least one user-initiated conversation with the Expert within each 75-day period, the plan will remain active and free of charge. However, it's important to note that if the Expert becomes inactive for 75 days, it may be subject to cancellation and deactivation, which could result in the loss of the free plan benefits. Therefore, while the Starter plan is designed to be a long-term free offering, its continuation depends on the user's ongoing engagement with the platform.
Why does EveryAnswer have a Zero Usage Policy?
EveryAnswer's Zero Usage Policy helps free up resources on the platform. When Experts aren't being used for a long time, they still take up space and computing power. By removing inactive Experts, EveryAnswer can use these resources for active users instead. This means the platform can run faster and better for everyone who's actually using it. This approach allows EveryAnswer to keep offering a free plan that works well, because it's not wasting resources on Experts that aren't being used.
Who does the Zero Usage Policy apply to?
The Zero Usage Policy applies specifically to Experts on the Starter (Free) plan of EveryAnswer. This policy is designed to manage and monitor the activity of Experts that are being used under the free tier of service. It does not apply to Experts or accounts on paid plans or to other aspects of the EveryAnswer platform.
How does the Zero Usage Policy help maintain everyAnswer's service quality?
The policy ensures that platform resources are devoted to active users, thereby enhancing the overall service quality through efficient resource allocation.
Last Updated:
August 29, 2024