Use Case:

City Resident Advisor

Streamline Resident Access to City Information

Empower residents to instantly find answers to their questions, 24/7, improving the resident experience and reducing the demand on city staff.
Instant access to city information, improving resident satisfaction and service efficiency.
Automate routine inquiries, freeing city staff to focus on critical tasks and projects.
Connect official city data sources, including knowledge bases and documents.
A cartoon man in a yellow high visibility safety vest is waving.
A cartoon man in his home office looks confused because he can't find the answers he needs.

Residents Struggle to Find Answers

Residents often find it challenging to navigate city services due to key information being scattered across multiple websites and documents.

This confusion leads to a rise in visits, calls and online questions from those seeking answers. However, with assistance available only during specific hours, residents can become frustrated waiting for responses. Furthermore, given the variety of languages spoken in most cities today, there's a clear need to ensure information is accessible in the residents' native language. Addressing these challenges will not only enhance the resident experience but also present potential cost savings for the city by minimizing extra work and potential miscommunications.

City employees spend countless hours responding to resident inquiries.
Scattered information and limited hours creates resident frustration.
Language barriers can cause frustration amongst both residents and city staff.

Answer Resident Questions Instantly, 24/7

Provide Instant, Automated Answers 24/7

EveryAnswer provides a comprehensive solution for city and municipal administrators to streamline their services and provide accurate information to residents. Cities can create an EveryAnswer Expert, upload documents and extract data from their public websites to create a centralized knowledge base. Residents can then ask the Expert questions 24/7 and receive immediate, accurate answers. EveryAnswer's multilingual capabilities ensure that language barriers are overcome, making it easy for residents to find the information they need.

Screenshot of EveryAnswer in ActionA screenshot of EveryAnswer showing data-driven answers with citations.

Answer Questions Instantly

Answer resident questions instantly, 24/7, ensuring they receive accurate, up-to-date answers, whenever they need them.
Answer your user's questions instantly, 24/7, ensuring your audience receives accurate, up-to-date answers, whenever they need them.
A screenshot of EveryAnswer showing data-driven answers with citations.A screenshot of EveryAnswer showing data-driven answers with citations.

Answers With Data Curated by You

Easily train our AI on your City's documents and websites, enabling it to answer questions specific to your city, and cite original documents for reference.
Respond to your user's questions using the information you provide, ensuring accurate and consistent answers that are relevant to your audience.
A screenshot of EveryAnswer showing data-driven answers with citations.

Rich Responses with Links & Multimedia

Craft rich responses, using images, videos, links, and custom formatting to present information in a visually compelling and informative way.

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Explore the robust features of EveryAnswer that enable organizations to create AI Experts, provide instant answers, and streamline knowledge delivery with ease.

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A semi-transparent pattern of shapes. A semi-transparent pattern of shapes.

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