Use Case:

Pet Care Support Expert

Empower New Pet Owners with Expert Advice

Combine your expertise with our AI to create a trusted, 24/7 resource for new and soon-to-be pet parents, saving you time and enhancing the wellbeing of their pet.
Provide pet owners with instant, accurate answers, anytime they need
Enhance pets' lives by ensuring owners get the necessary guidance for quality care
Enjoy uninterrupted personal time, while our AI automatically answers pet owner questions
A cartoon image of a couple holding their new puppy.
A cartoon of a woman surrounded by shopping bags full of pet toys and supplies.

Struggling to Keep Up With Pet Owner Questions?

New pet owners are brimming with excitement… and questions.

As a breeder, your expertise is invaluable, but answering endless questions from pet owners can consume significant time and intrude on your personal life. Pet owners know this too, and don't want to bother you so they often turn to online resources instead of asking, which might not have breed-specific or accurate information. You're the expert on your breed, and it's crucial that they get their information from you to ensure the wellbeing of their pet.

Pet owners have many questions but might not ask them all.
They turn to online sources, risking misinformation.
No one knows your breed better than you.

Provide Instant, Automated Answers 24/7

As a breeder, you hold a wealth of knowledge. By creating an Expert using EveryAnswer, you can digitize your expertise and recommendations. This Expert can be provided to new pet owners, ensuring they have access to accurate, breed-specific information both before and after they welcome their new pet.

Screenshot of EveryAnswer in ActionA screenshot of EveryAnswer showing data-driven answers with citations.

Answer Questions Instantly

Answer your user's questions instantly, 24/7, ensuring your audience receives accurate, up-to-date answers, whenever they need them.
A screenshot of EveryAnswer showing data-driven answers with citations.A screenshot of EveryAnswer showing data-driven answers with citations.

Answers With Data Curated by You

Respond to your user's questions using the information you provide, ensuring accurate and consistent answers that are relevant to your audience.
A screenshot of EveryAnswer showing data-driven answers with citations.

Rich Responses with Links & Multimedia

Craft rich responses, using images, videos, links, and custom formatting to present information in a visually compelling and informative way.

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Discover the Powerful Features of EveryAnswer

Explore the robust features of EveryAnswer that enable organizations to create AI Experts, provide instant answers, and streamline knowledge delivery with ease.

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A semi-transparent pattern of shapes. A semi-transparent pattern of shapes.

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