Use Case:

Event Concierge

Transform Your Event Experience

Provide instant, accurate answers to attendees and exhibitors - before, during and after the event.
Answer attendee and exhibitor questions instantly, 24/7
Reduce long lines at information desks, improving the event experience
Reduce staff interruptions, enhancing focus on event tasks
A cartoon businesswoman at a tradeshow conference.
A cartoon image of an conference registration and information desk.

Too Many Questions, Not Enough Time

Event staff face a constant barrage of questions from exhibitors and attendees.

Before the event even begins, exhibitors and attendees flood the staff with questions, all expecting quick answers. The situation escalates during the event; help desks see long lines, and attendees frequently stop staff members for assistance. This flurry of inquiries doesn't slow down after the event, continuing to wear down the already exhausted staff.

Attendees and exhibitors deal with frustrating waits for answers, in person or over the phone
Staff answering repetitive questions at information desks means fewer hands for other tasks
Staff are frequently halted for questions, underscoring the demand for immediate answers

Provide Instant, Automated Answers 24/7

By leveraging EveryAnswer as a virtual Event Concierge, attendees can instantly get answers to their pressing questions, and exhibitors receive the support they need before, during, and after the event. This ensures event staff can concentrate on making the event a success.

Screenshot of EveryAnswer in ActionA screenshot of EveryAnswer showing data-driven answers with citations.

Answer Questions Instantly

Answer exhibitor and attendee questions instantly, 24/7, ensuring they receive accurate, up-to-date answers, whenever they need them.
Answer your user's questions instantly, 24/7, ensuring your audience receives accurate, up-to-date answers, whenever they need them.
A screenshot of EveryAnswer showing data-driven answers with citations.A screenshot of EveryAnswer showing data-driven answers with citations.

Answers With Data Curated by You

Respond to exhibitor and attendee questions using information you provide about your event, ensuring relevant and consistent answers every time.
Respond to your user's questions using the information you provide, ensuring accurate and consistent answers that are relevant to your audience.
A screenshot of EveryAnswer showing data-driven answers with citations.

Rich Responses with Links & Multimedia

Craft rich responses, using images, videos, links, and custom formatting to present information in a visually compelling and informative way.

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Explore the robust features of EveryAnswer that enable organizations to create AI Experts, provide instant answers, and streamline knowledge delivery with ease.

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A semi-transparent pattern of shapes. A semi-transparent pattern of shapes.

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