
Creating an Expert


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This documentation provides a comprehensive, step-by-step guide to creating an Expert in EveryAnswer. Follow these instructions to set up and customize your Expert, including initial setup, configuration, and data input.

Steps to Create an Expert

Opening the "Create an Expert" Wizard

There are several ways to initiate the "Create an Expert" wizard:

  1. On the home page, click the Create an Expert button located in the top right corner.
  2. If no Experts are visible in the workspace or on the home screen, a tile will invite you to create an Expert.
  3. In the left menu, under Settings, select Experts to open the Manage Experts screen. Then click the Create an Expert button in the top right corner of the Edit Experts screen.

Choose Type

The first screen in the wizard allows you to choose a plan:

  • You will see the pricing and features of each plan.
  • Select either the free Starter plan or a paid plan (all paid plans are trials, and no payment information is collected during the creation process).

Expert Settings

The Expert Settings stage is multi-screen and involves the following steps:

Step 2a: Provide Basic Information

You will be prompted to fill in the blanks in the following sentence:

"I want to create an Expert for ______ (e.g., located in ______ (e.g., Seattle, WA) to answer questions for my ______ (e.g., customers), such as ______ (e.g., questions about products, shipping, and processing returns)."

Click Next or Back to proceed.

Step 2b: Customize Your Expert's Settings

A persona for the Expert will be generated based on your input. You can adjust settings as needed, and all changes can be made later in the Expert settings. The settings include:

  • Expert Picture: Upload your own or choose from provided images.
  • Description: A short paragraph from the Expert's perspective, generated as part of the persona.
  • Expert Name: Generated as part of the persona.
  • My Organization: Derived from the initial sentence.
  • Age: Generated as part of the persona.
  • Job Title: Generated as part of the persona.
  • Location: Derived from the initial sentence.
  • Character Traits: Generated as part of the persona.
  • Response Type: Generated as part of the persona.
  • Target Audience: Generated as part of the persona.
  • Communication Style: Generated as part of the persona.
  • Greeting: Generated as part of the persona.

You can also manage Conversation Starters:

  • A table lists 3 Conversation Starters.
  • Use the pencil icon to edit or the trash can icon to delete.
  • Click + Add Starter to add a new Conversation Starter.

Click Save & Exit to create the Expert as is, or Next to proceed.

Expert Data

This screen contains navigation tabs on the left for different data input sections:

General Knowledge

Give Your Expert Some Knowledge

  • Enter general information the Expert should always know.

How Should Your Expert Respond When it Doesn't Know The Answer?

General AI Knowledge

  • Choose whether to allow the Expert to answer only from the data you provide or to use the AI's general knowledge (note: this can increase the risk of AI hallucinations).

Escalation Procedures

  • Click Add Procedure to add a new procedure.
  • A list of procedures will display the situation and the procedure details.
  • For more information, refer to the Escalation Procedures documentation.

Web Data

  • Click Add Website to open the "Add a Website Data Source" popup.
  • Enter the base URL and any paths to exclude.
  • Click Scan Now to start scanning and detecting pages.
  • Detected pages will be shown on the right side of the popup.
  • Click Add Expert to add detected pages to the Expert.

Website Data Sources

  • A table will display added website data sources with columns for Site, Pages, Characters, Sitemap, and Detect New Pages.

Discovered Pages

  • A table lists all discovered pages with columns for Page Title, URL, Last Scanned, Characters, and Import (checkbox).


  • Drag or click to upload files from your local computer or cloud services.
  • Supported formats include PDF, DOC, ZIP, etc., with size limitations.
  • Choose to keep a copy for citations or delete immediately after processing.
  • Uploaded files will appear in a table with columns for File Name and Characters.

Questions & Answers

Question Field

  • Enter the question (up to 200 characters). The system uses topic and intent matching for relevant answers.

Answer Types

  • Standard Expert Response (Contextual): Provide context for AI-generated responses.
  • Fixed Response: Provide a consistent and exact answer.
  • Respond with Form: Use a form as a response for data collection.

Conversation Starter

  • Check the "Use this question as a Conversation Starter" box for quick access in the chat UI.

Invite Users

You can invite users via private or public access:

Private Access

  • Enter email addresses in the text area and click Send Invitations. Invitations are sent, and emails will appear in a table below.

Public Access

Related Documentation

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I start creating an Expert in EveryAnswer?
To start creating an Expert, open the 'Create an Expert' wizard. You can do this by: 1. Clicking the 'Create an Expert' button located in the top right corner of the home page. 2. Clicking the tile inviting you to create an Expert if no Experts are visible in your workspace or home screen. 3. Going to 'Settings' in the left menu, selecting 'Experts', and then clicking the 'Create an Expert' button in the top right corner of the Manage Experts screen.
What types of plans are available for creating an Expert?
EveryAnswer offers several plans for creating an Expert: 1. Starter Plan: Free forever, providing essential features for small-scale use. 2. Standard Plan: Includes additional features and higher usage limits, suitable for growing needs. 3. Premium Plan: Offers advanced features and the highest usage limits, ideal for larger organizations with extensive requirements. Each plan is designed to cater to different levels of usage and feature needs, ensuring that there is an option for every organization. For more details, visit our pricing page:
What basic information do I need to provide when creating an Expert?
You need to fill in the blanks in the following sentence: 'I want to create an Expert for ______ (e.g., located in ______ (e.g., Seattle, WA) to answer questions for my ______ (e.g., customers), such as ______ (e.g., questions about products, shipping, and processing returns).'
Can I customize the settings of my Expert?
Yes, you can customize the persona of your Expert. EveryAnswer allows you to adjust these settings as needed. This includes the Expert's picture, description, name, organization, age, job title, location, character traits, response type, target audience, communication style, and greeting. By personalizing these settings, you can ensure that your Expert reflects the desired personality and provides a consistent experience for your users.
What are Conversation Starters and how can I manage them?
Conversation Starters are predefined prompts designed to help users begin a conversation with an Expert. They guide users on how to interact with the Expert and provide examples of the types of questions they can ask. You can manage Conversation Starters by going to the settings of your Expert in the EveryAnswer platform. There, you can add, edit, or remove Conversation Starters to ensure they are relevant and helpful for your users. Customizing these prompts can improve user engagement and ensure that interactions with the Expert are aligned with your organization's goals.
What general knowledge should I provide my Expert?
You should provide your Expert with information that a new employee in this role would be expected to know without looking it up. Given the limited space, it's important to include only valuable information: 1. Company Information: Key details, mission, and values of your organization. 2. Product/Service Details: Essential information about the products or services you offer. 3. Policies and Procedures: Important policies and guidelines of your organization. 4. Industry Knowledge: Basic information about the industry you operate in. By providing this general knowledge, you ensure that your Expert can respond accurately and effectively to user queries.
How can I manage responses when the Expert doesn't have the answer in its provided data?
When the data added to the Expert doesn't contain the answer, you have several options to manage responses and ensure user satisfaction: 1. **General AI Knowledge Usage:** You can choose whether to allow the Expert to answer using the AI's general knowledge. This can help provide answers outside of the provided data but may increase the risk of AI hallucinations (incorrect or irrelevant responses). 2. **Escalation Procedures:** Set up escalation procedures for unanswered questions. To provide links or contact information for additional support. By configuring these options, you can ensure that users receive accurate responses and have a clear path for getting answers when the Expert's provided data is insufficient.
How do I add escalation procedures for my Expert?
To add an Escalation Procedure to an Expert, follow these steps: 1. Navigate to the Edit Expert screen. 2. In the left menu, under Settings, click Experts. 3. Locate the Expert you wish to edit and click the pencil icon. 4. Select the Data tab, then go to the General Knowledge subtab. 5. In the Escalation Procedures section, click Add Procedure to create a new procedure. For more detailed instructions, refer to the Escalation Procedures documentation.
What is the process for adding web data to my Expert?
1. In the left navigation menu, under Settings, click Experts. 2. Find the Expert you want to add data to and click the pencil icon to edit. 3. Go to the Data tab. 4. Click on the Web Data sub-tab. 5. Click the Add Website button. 6. Enter URL: In the popup, enter the URL of the website you want to add in the Website URL field. 7. Exclude Paths (Optional): If there are specific paths you want to exclude, enter them under Excluded Paths. 8. Scan the Site: Click the Scan Now button. 9. Review Pages: Examine the Discovered Pages and uncheck any pages you do not want to include. 10. Adjust Exclusions (Optional): You can return to add more excluded paths if needed. 11. Add to Expert: Once you are satisfied with the selection, click Add to Expert. 12. Processing: EveryAnswer will process the selected pages, converting them into an AI-optimized format and training your Expert with this information. 13. Completion: After processing, your Expert will have the knowledge from the imported web pages until you choose to remove it.
What information is displayed in the Website Data Sources table?
The Website Data Sources table includes the following columns: - Site: The name or URL of the added website data source. - Pages: The number of pages included from the site. - Characters: The total number of characters processed from the site. - Sitemap: A checkbox indicating whether a sitemap is used for the data source. - Detect New Pages: A checkbox indicating whether the system automatically detects new pages on the site.
What file formats are supported for upload to my Expert?
You can upload files in formats like PDF, DOC, and ZIP. There are file size limitations to keep in mind. For more information see the Supported File Types documentation.
How can I manage uploaded files?
You can manage your uploaded files in the following ways: 1. Uploading Files: - Drag and Drop: Simply drag files from your local computer or cloud services into the upload area. - Click to Upload: Click the upload area to browse and select files from your device or cloud services. 2. File Management: - Uploaded files will be displayed in a table with columns for File Name and Characters (indicating the number of characters in each file). - Deleting Files: You can delete files from EveryAnswer. Once a file is removed from the list, it is permanently deleted from EveryAnswer's system and cannot be recovered. 3. Options During Upload: - Keep a Copy for Citations: Choose to retain a copy of the file for citation purposes. - Delete After Processing: Opt to delete the file immediately after it has been processed. Note that if you choose this option, no citation will be provided, as the file will no longer exist. These features help you efficiently manage your files, ensuring your data is organized and securely handled according to your preferences.
What answer types are available for Questions & Answers?
The Questions & Answers data source offers several answer types to configure for your Expert. These include: 1. **Standard Expert Response (Contextual)**: This type allows the Expert to provide AI-generated responses based on the context of the question and available data. These responses can be multilingual. 2. **Fixed Response**: This type provides a consistent and exact answer to the question, ensuring that users receive the same response each time the question is asked. Note that Fixed Responses are not multilingual and will remain in the language in which they were created. 3. **Respond with Form**: This type uses a form as a response, allowing for data collection or more interactive engagement with the user. Similar to Fixed Responses, Forms are not multilingual and will stay in the language they were originally created in. You can choose the appropriate answer type based on the nature of the question and the desired interaction with the user.
How can I invite users to interact with my Expert?
You can invite users to interact with your Expert via private or public access methods. **Private Access**: 1. Enter the email addresses of the users you wish to invite in the text area provided. 2. Click **Send Invitations**. The invitations will be sent, and the email addresses will appear in a table below, showing the status of the invitations. **Public Access**: 1. Use the sharable link provided to invite users. This link can be shared through various channels such as email, social media, or any other communication method. 2. Additionally, you can embed the Expert on your website using the provided embedding code for website chat and iFrame. These methods allow you to control how users access and interact with your Expert, ensuring a wide reach and engagement.
What happens after I invite users via private access?
After you invite users via private access, the following steps occur: 1. **Email Invitations Sent**: The system sends an email invitation to each of the entered email addresses. The invitation contains a link that the recipient can use to access and interact with your Expert. 2. **Pending Invitations**: In the Expert settings, on the **Users** tab, you can see all pending invitations. This tab helps you track the status of each invitation, showing whether the invitation has been sent, delivered, and accepted. 3. **User Access**: Once the invited users accept the invitation by clicking on the link in the email, they gain access to interact with your Expert. This access can be managed and monitored within your Expert settings. These steps ensure that invited users can easily and securely start engaging with your Expert.
Where can I find more information on customizing Expert personas?
For more information on customizing Expert personas, refer to the Expert Personas documentation. This page provides detailed steps on how to adjust and personalize various aspects of your Expert’s persona, including the Expert picture, description, name, and more. These customization options allow you to tailor your Expert to better meet the needs of your users and enhance their interaction experience.
Can I edit the details of my Expert persona after creation?
Yes, you can edit the details of your Expert persona after creation. In the Expert settings, you have the flexibility to update various aspects of the persona, including the Expert picture, description, name, and other settings. This allows you to continuously refine and adjust the persona to better meet the needs of your users and ensure a more effective interaction experience.
What is the role of the Expert's name and job title?
The Expert's name and job title play crucial roles in shaping the persona and providing context to users during interactions. The name helps to humanize the Expert, making interactions feel more personal and engaging. The job title offers users an understanding of the Expert’s area of expertise and what kind of questions or issues they can address. Together, the name and job title contribute to creating a more relatable and effective user experience.
Last Updated:
October 8, 2024