
User Roles and Permissions


Accessing EveryAnswer

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Understanding user roles and permissions is crucial for effectively managing and utilizing EveryAnswer's platform. This document provides detailed information about the various roles and permissions available, ensuring that administrators and users can navigate their responsibilities and access levels with ease.

Roles and Permissions Overview

In EveryAnswer, user roles and permissions are divided into two main levels: [Workspace Level]( and Expert Level. Each level has specific roles with distinct permissions to ensure efficient management and security.

Workspace Level

  • Workspace Admins: Highest level of permissions within the workspace. They manage all Experts and workspace-wide settings, including billing and user management.
  • Workspace Users: Regular users with limited permissions within the workspace. They primarily interact with the [Experts]( they have access to.

Expert Level

  • Expert Admins: Manage individual Experts they have admin rights for, including data sources and user invitations.
  • Expert Users: Use and interact with Experts but have limited management capabilities.

User Accounts

Each user account is linked to a unique email address. This email address is used to identify the user across multiple workspaces. The same user account can have access to multiple workspaces without needing separate logins.

Workspace Membership

Any individual invited to a workspace or any of its Experts becomes a Workspace User. Users can be invited to one or more specific Experts based on their role and responsibilities.

Roles and Permissions Details

Workspace Admins

Workspace Admins have the highest level of permissions and can manage all aspects of the workspace:

  • Manage all Experts and workspace-wide settings
  • Full billing admin privileges (manage subscriptions, payments, etc.)
  • Automatically have Expert Admin role on all Experts in their workspace
  • Approve Experts on paid plans
  • Attach payment methods to Experts
  • Upgrade plans and adjust payment options
  • Full access to Manage Experts, Manage Users, and Workspace settings screens
  • View and manage all subscriptions, including those pending approval
  • Add, edit, or delete payment methods
  • View and download all invoices
  • Set the default payment method for the workspace
  • Edit organization details like name and invoice email addresses
  • Full access to the Activity Log for auditing all actions

Expert Admins

Expert Admins manage the individual Experts for which they have admin rights:

  • Add/remove data sources for their Experts
  • Invite/remove users from their Experts
  • Manage feedback for their Experts
  • View conversations (if enabled)
  • Manage sharing/embedding features (unless disabled by workspace admin)
  • Manage Expert settings, including Persona
  • Manage security/privacy settings (unless enforced by workspace-level policy)
  • Cannot approve their own Experts for paid plans or attach payment methods
  • May have limited visibility into billing information related to their Experts


Users can interact with Experts they have access to and manage their own profile:

  • Manage their own profile
  • Cannot access settings that affect other people
  • Cannot invite other users to an Expert
  • Cannot access embedding information or shareable links

Expert Creation and Approval

Any user can create an Expert and become an Expert Admin for that Expert.

  • Experts on the Starter (free) plan are approved automatically.
  • New Experts on a paid plan must be approved by a Workspace Admin.

Workspace Creation

Any user can create a new workspace and become a Workspace Admin for that workspace.

Invitation Process

Invitations can be sent to join a workspace or a specific Expert:

  • For existing users, they are automatically added and notified.
  • For new users, they receive an email to create an account.

Help Center Access

All users have equal access to general Help Center resources like documentation and tutorials:

  • Workspace Admins can see tickets for everyone in their workspace.
  • Workspace Users (including Expert Admins) can only see their own tickets.

[Creating and viewing tickets]( is the only area where access differs in the Help Center.

Role Assignment

Workspace Admins can assign or change roles for other users:

  • Workspace Admins can assign or change roles for other users.

Expert-Specific Customization

[Expert Admins]( have the ability to customize the user experience for their specific Experts.

Overriding Permissions

Workspace-level policies can override or restrict certain Expert-level settings to ensure organizational compliance and security.

Related Documentation

Frequently Asked Questions

What permissions do regular Users have in EveryAnswer?
Regular Users can interact with Experts they have access to and manage their own profile. However, they cannot access settings that affect other people, invite other users to an Expert, or access embedding information or shareable links.
How is a user account identified in EveryAnswer?
Each user account is linked to a unique email address. This email address is used to identify the user across multiple workspaces, meaning the same user account can have access to multiple workspaces without needing separate logins.
What user roles are available at the workspace level in EveryAnswer?
At the workspace level, there are two user roles: Workspace Admins and Workspace Users. Workspace Admins have the highest level of permissions and manage all Experts, workspace-wide settings, billing, and user management. Workspace Users are regular users with limited permissions and primarily interact with the Experts they have access to.
What are the responsibilities of a Workspace Admin?
Workspace Admins manage all aspects of the workspace, including managing all Experts and workspace-wide settings, billing admin privileges, approving Experts on paid plans, attaching payment methods to Experts, upgrading plans, managing subscriptions, and having full access to Manage Experts, Manage Users, Workspace settings screens, and the Activity Log.
What is the role of an Expert Admin?
Expert Admins manage individual Experts they have admin rights for. Their responsibilities include adding/removing data sources, inviting/removing users, managing feedback, viewing conversations (if enabled), managing sharing/embedding features, managing Expert settings including Persona, and managing security/privacy settings (unless overridden by workspace-level policy).
Can Expert Admins approve their own Experts for paid plans?
No, Expert Admins cannot approve their own Experts for paid plans or attach payment methods. A Workspace Admin must attach a payment method and approve each Expert on a paid plan. No approval is required for Experts on free plans.
How does someone become a Workspace User?
Any individual invited to a workspace or any of its Experts becomes a Workspace User. Users can be invited to one or more specific Experts based on their role and responsibilities.
What is the process for creating a new workspace in EveryAnswer?
Any user can create a new workspace and become a Workspace Admin for that workspace.
What is required for an Expert on a paid plan to be approved?
New Experts on a paid plan must be approved by a Workspace Admin. Experts on the Starter (free) plan are approved automatically.
How does the invitation process work in EveryAnswer?
Invitations can be sent to join a workspace or a specific Expert. For existing users, they are automatically added and notified. For new users, they receive an email to create an account.
Can Workspace Admins see all support tickets in the Help Center?
Yes, Workspace Admins can see tickets for everyone in their workspace. Workspace Users, including Expert Admins, can only see their own tickets.
Can workspace-level policies override Expert-level settings?
Yes, workspace-level policies can override or restrict certain Expert-level settings to ensure organizational compliance and security.
Last Updated:
August 29, 2024