
Deleting an Expert


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This documentation outlines the steps and considerations for deleting an Expert in EveryAnswer. Deleting an Expert is a permanent action that removes the Expert and all associated data from the system.

Key Considerations

  • Permanent Deletion: Once an Expert is deleted, it cannot be recovered. All data associated with the Expert, including configurations, conversations, and user interactions, will be permanently removed.
  • Permissions Required: Only users with appropriate administrative permissions ([Workspace Admins or Expert Admins]( can delete an Expert.
  • Impact on Users: Deleting an Expert will immediately stop all interactions and remove access for all users associated with that Expert.

Before Deleting an Expert

  • Data Backup: Ensure that you have backed up any necessary data before proceeding with deletion, as the action is irreversible.
  • User Notifications: Consider notifying users associated with the Expert about the impending deletion to avoid confusion.
  • Website Chat / iFrame Embedding: Remove embedding code and shareable links from your website before deletion to prevent issues.
  • Alternative Actions: If you are unsure about permanent deletion, you might consider temporarily disabling the Expert or [downgrading to a free plan](

Steps to Delete an Expert

Access the Expert Settings

In the left navigation menu, under Settings, click Experts.

Select the Expert to Delete

From the list of Experts, click the pencil icon next to the Expert you want to delete to open the Expert’s settings.

Navigate to the General Settings

Click on the Settings tab.
Ensure you are in the General sub-tab.

Delete the Expert

Scroll to the bottom of the General Settings page.
Click the Delete Expert button.

Confirm Deletion

A confirmation dialog will appear.
Enter the name of the Expert to confirm the deletion.
Read the warning message carefully.
Click Delete to permanently delete the Expert.

Important Notes

  • [Cancellation of Subscription]( Deleting an Expert cancels its subscription immediately.
  • No Further Payments: You will not be billed for the deleted Expert going forward.
  • No Credit or Discount: There will be no credits or discounts for the remainder of the billing cycle.
  • [Overages Charged]( If any overages occur during the month of deletion, you will be billed on the 1st of the next month for those overages.
  • Immediate Data Deletion: All data associated with the Expert is deleted immediately and is unrecoverable.
  • Reversing the Decision: Once confirmed, there is no way to reverse or restore the Expert.
  • Immediate Effect: Deletion begins immediately.
  • Data and Conversation History: All data and conversation history associated with the Expert will be deleted along with the Expert.
  • No Impact on Users: This will not remove users from EveryAnswer.
  • No Impact on Payment Methods: This will not remove payment methods from EveryAnswer.
  • No Impact on Other Experts: This will not affect other Experts in the Workspace.

By following these steps, you can safely and effectively delete an Expert in EveryAnswer while understanding the implications of this action.

Related Documentation

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens when an Expert is deleted?
When an Expert is deleted in EveryAnswer, it triggers a permanent and irreversible process. The Expert and all associated data are immediately removed from the system. This includes all configurations, conversations, and user interactions related to that Expert. The deletion cancels the Expert's subscription instantly, halting any future billing. However, you may still be charged for any overages that occurred during the month of deletion. It's important to note that this action affects only the specific Expert being deleted and does not impact other Experts in the Workspace, user accounts, or payment methods. All users who had access to the deleted Expert will immediately lose that access, and any website chat or iframe embeddings for that Expert will cease to function. Once the deletion is confirmed, there is no way to recover the Expert or its data, so it's crucial to back up any necessary information before proceeding with deletion.
Who can delete an Expert?
Deleting an Expert in EveryAnswer is a significant action that requires appropriate authorization. Only users with specific administrative permissions can perform this task. Specifically, Workspace Admins and Expert Admins have the necessary rights to delete an Expert.
Can the deletion of an Expert be reversed?
No, the deletion of an Expert in EveryAnswer is an irreversible action. Once you confirm the deletion, there is no way to undo or reverse this process. The system immediately and permanently removes all data associated with the Expert, including configurations, conversations, and user interactions. This permanent deletion means that there is no recovery option available after the fact. Even EveryAnswer's support team cannot restore a deleted Expert or its associated data. Given the finality of this action, it's crucial to be absolutely certain before proceeding with deletion. If you're unsure about permanently removing an Expert, consider alternative actions such as temporarily disabling the Expert or downgrading to a free plan. These options allow you to preserve the Expert's data while still removing it from active use. Always remember to back up any necessary data before initiating the deletion process, as once confirmed, the Expert and all its information will be lost forever.
What steps should I follow to delete an Expert?
To delete an Expert in EveryAnswer, follow these steps: First, access the Expert Settings by clicking on "Experts" under the "Settings" section in the left navigation menu. Next, find the Expert you want to delete in the list and click the pencil icon next to it to open its settings. Once in the Expert's settings, navigate to the "Settings" tab and ensure you're in the "General" sub-tab. Scroll to the bottom of the General Settings page where you'll find the "Delete Expert" button. Click this button to initiate the deletion process. A confirmation dialog will appear, asking you to enter the name of the Expert to confirm the deletion. Read the warning message carefully, making sure you understand the consequences of this action. If you're certain about deleting the Expert, enter its name and click "Delete" to permanently remove it from the system. Remember, this process is irreversible, so it's crucial to double-check that you're deleting the correct Expert and that you've backed up any necessary data before confirming the deletion.
What will happen to user access once an Expert is deleted?
When an Expert is deleted in EveryAnswer, it has an immediate impact on user access. All users who were previously associated with or had access to the deleted Expert will instantly lose that access. This means they will no longer be able to interact with the Expert, view its conversations, or use any of its functionalities. The deletion effectively removes the Expert from the system, making it unavailable to all users, regardless of their previous permissions or roles related to that specific Expert. It's important to note that while users lose access to the deleted Expert, this action does not affect their overall access to EveryAnswer or other Experts within the Workspace. User accounts remain intact, and their access to other parts of the system is unaffected. However, any ongoing conversations or interactions with the deleted Expert will be abruptly terminated. To avoid confusion, it's advisable to notify users about the Expert's deletion beforehand, especially if it was widely used or crucial to certain operations. This allows users to prepare for the change and seek alternatives if necessary.
Will deleting an Expert cancel its subscription?
Yes, deleting an Expert in EveryAnswer automatically cancels its subscription immediately. When you confirm the deletion, the system not only removes the Expert and its associated data but also terminates any ongoing subscription tied to that Expert. This means you will not be billed for the deleted Expert in future billing cycles. However, it's important to understand that this cancellation doesn't provide any prorated refunds or credits for the remainder of the current billing cycle. You'll still be responsible for any charges incurred up to the point of deletion, including the full amount for the current billing period. Additionally, if any overages occurred during the month of deletion, you will be billed for these on the 1st of the following month. It's worth noting that while the subscription for the deleted Expert is cancelled, this action doesn't affect subscriptions or payment methods associated with other Experts in your Workspace. If you're looking to manage costs without permanently deleting the Expert, consider alternatives like temporarily disabling the Expert or downgrading to a free plan before resorting to deletion.
Will I still be billed for the deleted Expert?
No, you will not be billed for the deleted Expert going forward, but any overages incurred during the month of deletion will be billed on the 1st of the next month.
Can I receive credits or discounts for the remainder of the billing cycle after deleting an Expert?
When you delete an Expert in EveryAnswer, you will not receive any credits or discounts for the remainder of the current billing cycle. The deletion process immediately cancels the subscription associated with the Expert, but it does not provide any form of refund or credit for the unused portion of your billing period. EveryAnswer's policy is to charge for the full billing cycle, regardless of when within that cycle you choose to delete an Expert. This means you'll be responsible for the full amount of the current billing period, even if you delete the Expert early in the cycle. It's important to consider this when planning to delete an Expert, as timing the deletion near the end of your billing cycle could help maximize the value of your current payment. Additionally, while no further charges will be incurred for future billing cycles, any overages that occurred during the month of deletion will still be billed on the 1st of the following month. If managing costs is a primary concern, you might want to explore alternatives such as temporarily disabling the Expert or downgrading to a free plan before opting for permanent deletion.
What happens to the data and conversation history of a deleted Expert?
All data and conversation history associated with the deleted Expert will be permanently removed and cannot be recovered. When an Expert is deleted in EveryAnswer, all data and conversation history associated with that Expert are permanently removed from the system. This deletion is comprehensive and immediate, affecting every piece of information related to the Expert. This includes all configurations, settings, knowledge bases, and any customizations made to the Expert. Additionally, the entire conversation history - every interaction, query, and response that the Expert has been involved in - is erased. This data deletion is irreversible and complete, meaning once the Expert is deleted, there is no way to recover any of this information. The system does not retain backups or archives of deleted Experts.
Will deleting an Expert affect other Experts in the Workspace?
No, deleting an Expert in EveryAnswer does not directly affect other Experts within the same Workspace. The deletion process is specifically targeted at the individual Expert you choose to remove, leaving all other Experts intact and fully functional.
Will deleting an Expert remove users from EveryAnswer?
No, deleting an Expert in EveryAnswer does not remove users from the EveryAnswer system. The deletion process is specific to the Expert itself and does not affect user accounts or their overall access to the EveryAnswer platform. When an Expert is deleted, users who had access to that particular Expert will lose their ability to interact with it, but their EveryAnswer accounts remain intact. They will still be able to log into the system and access any other Experts or features they have permissions for within the Workspace. If you need to remove users from EveryAnswer entirely, that would be a separate process handled through user management, not through Expert deletion.
Will deleting an Expert remove payment methods from EveryAnswer?
No, deleting an Expert in EveryAnswer does not remove any payment methods associated with your account or Workspace. The deletion process is specifically focused on removing the Expert and its related data, and does not extend to your payment information or billing setup. When you delete an Expert, your existing payment methods remain intact and available for use with other Experts or services within EveryAnswer. If you wish to remove or update payment methods, that would be a separate action typically handled in the billing settings of EveryAnswer, independent of any Expert management actions.
Do I need to remove website chat or iFrame embedding code before deleting an Expert?
Yes, while it's not strictly necessary to remove website chat or iFrame embedding code before deleting an Expert in EveryAnswer, it is highly recommended to do so. When an Expert is deleted, any embedded chat interfaces or iFrames associated with that Expert will immediately cease to function. This means that if you have the Expert's chat widget embedded on your website or within an application, it will no longer work and may display error messages or a blank space to your users. To maintain a smooth user experience and prevent any confusion or technical issues, it's best practice to remove or update these integrations before proceeding with the Expert deletion.
Will users be informed about the deletion of an Expert?
No, EveryAnswer does not automatically notify users about the deletion of an Expert. The system itself doesn't send out any notifications when an Expert is deleted. However, as a best practice, it's highly recommended that you, as the administrator, proactively inform users who had access to the Expert about its impending deletion. This communication is important to prevent confusion and to allow users to prepare for the change. When an Expert is deleted, users who attempt to interact with it will suddenly find it unavailable, which could disrupt their work or cause confusion if they're not forewarned. To manage this effectively, consider sending out an email or internal communication to all relevant users before deleting the Expert. Inform them about when the deletion will occur, why it's happening, and what alternatives (if any) are available. This gives users the opportunity to save any important information or adjust their workflows accordingly.
What happens if there are overages during the month of deletion?
If overages occur during the month in which you delete an Expert in EveryAnswer, you will still be responsible for paying for those overages. Even though deleting an Expert cancels its subscription immediately, any usage that exceeded your plan's limits prior to deletion will be billed. Specifically, these overage charges will appear on your bill on the 1st of the following month. We recommend you review your usage statistics before deletion to anticipate any additional costs that might appear on your final bill for the deleted Expert.
When does the deletion of an Expert take effect?
The deletion of an Expert in EveryAnswer takes effect immediately upon confirmation of the deletion process. As soon as you complete the steps to delete an Expert and confirm your action in the final dialog box, the system initiates the deletion process without delay. This means that the Expert becomes unavailable instantly, and all associated data starts being removed from the system. Users will immediately lose access to the Expert, and any ongoing interactions or conversations with the Expert will be terminated. The Expert's configurations, knowledge base, and conversation history are deleted right away, making this information irrecoverable from that point forward.
What are the administrative permissions required to delete an Expert?
To delete an Expert in EveryAnswer, specific administrative permissions are required. The system restricts this action to users with high-level access to ensure that only authorized individuals can perform such a significant and irreversible task. There are two types of administrative roles that have the necessary permissions to delete an Expert: Workspace Admins and Expert Admins. Workspace Admins have broad authority over the entire Workspace, including all Experts within it, and can therefore delete any Expert. Expert Admins, on the other hand, have administrative control over specific Experts they've been assigned to manage, allowing them to delete those particular Experts. These permissions are designed to maintain security and prevent accidental deletions by users who may not fully understand the implications of removing an Expert. It's important for organizations to carefully assign these administrative roles to ensure that Expert deletions are handled by individuals who understand the process and its consequences.
Last Updated:
October 8, 2024