
Questions and Answers Data Source


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The Questions & Answers (Q&A) feature is a powerful tool designed to enhance your Expert's knowledge base and provide quick, accurate responses to common queries. This feature significantly improves user experience and engagement by allowing you to customize how your Expert responds to specific questions.

The Q&A feature supports three types of responses:

  1. Standard Expert Responses
  2. Fixed Responses
  3. Form Responses

These responses integrate seamlessly with Expert conversations, providing a natural and efficient way to address user inquiries. The Q&A feature also works in conjunction with other EveryAnswer features such as Forms and Lead Capture, offering a comprehensive solution for user interaction and data collection.

Accessing the Q&A Feature

To access the Q&A feature and start creating custom Q&As, follow these steps:

  1. In the left navigation menu, under Settings, click Experts.
  2. From the list of Experts, locate the Expert you want to add data to and click the pencil icon next to it.
  3. In the Expert edit view, click on the Data tab.
  4. Within the Data tab, click on the Questions & Answers sub-tab.
  5. To add a new Q&A, click the Add Q&A button.

Creating a New Q&A

Question Field

When creating a new Q&A, start by entering the question in the provided text area. Keep in mind:

  • The character limit for questions is 200 characters.
  • The question you enter serves as a guide for the system's matching algorithm.
  • Users don't need to ask the exact question for it to match. The system uses topic and intent matching to find the most relevant Q&A.

Answer Types

Choose from one of three answer types:

1. Standard Expert Response (Contextual)

This option allows you to provide context for AI-generated responses:

  • Use the rich text editor to format your content (bold, underline, italic, link, list).
  • Enter information that you want the AI to use as a basis for its responses.
  • The AI will use this information to generate dynamic, conversational responses that adapt to the context of the user's query.


  • Provides flexible, personalized interactions
  • Allows for dynamic conversation flow
  • Supports auto-translation into the user's native language

2. Fixed Response

Use this option when you want to provide an exact, predetermined answer:

  • Utilize the rich text editor for formatting (bold, underline, italic, link, list, image, video).
  • The content you enter will be displayed exactly as written, without AI processing.


  • Ensures consistency and accuracy in information delivery
  • Maintains your brand voice and messaging
  • Ideal for frequently asked questions or specific information that should not vary

Note: Fixed responses are not auto-translated and will remain in the language they were created in.

3. Respond with Form

This option allows you to present a form as a response:

  • Choose an existing form from the dropdown menu.
  • Enter Pre-Submission Text (up to 1000 characters) to explain the purpose of the form.
  • Provide Post-Submission Text (up to 1000 characters) to display after the form is submitted.


  • Streamlines data collection process
  • Enhances user interaction within the chat
  • Useful for lead generation, surveys, or feedback collection

Note: Forms are not auto-translated and will remain in the language they were created in.

Conversation Starter

You can designate any Q&A as a Conversation Starter:

  • Check the Use this question as a Conversation Starter box.
  • This creates a quick-access button in the chat UI.
  • Conversation Starters appear at the beginning of a conversation.
  • When clicked, they instantly pose the predefined question to the Expert.

This feature provides one-click access to answers for common questions, improving user experience and efficiency.

Saving the Q&A

After configuring your Q&A, click the Save button to finalize its creation and add it to your Expert's knowledge base.

Related Documentation

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the purpose of the Q&A data source in EveryAnswer?
The purpose of the Questions & Answers (Q&A) data source is to enhance your Expert's knowledge base by allowing you to create and manage knowledge directly within the system, rather than relying on uploading or pulling information from external sources like websites. This feature significantly improves user experience and engagement by enabling you to customize how your Expert responds to specific questions. Supporting Standard Expert Responses, Fixed Responses, and Form Responses, the Q&A feature integrates seamlessly with Expert conversations, offering a natural and efficient way to address user inquiries. Additionally, it works in conjunction with other EveryAnswer features such as Forms and Lead Capture, providing a comprehensive solution for user interaction and data collection. Organizations benefit from improved response accuracy, reduced response time, enhanced data collection, and increased user satisfaction, while end-users receive quick access to relevant information and personalized, context-aware responses within the chat interface.
What types of responses are supported by the Q&A data source?
The Q&A data source supports three types of responses: Standard Expert Responses, Fixed Responses, and Form Responses. Each type of response allows for different levels of customization and interaction, ensuring that user questions are handled accurately and efficiently.
How do I add, edit, or remove questions from the Q&A data source?
To add a new question, navigate to the "Questions & Answers" sub-tab within the Expert's "Data" tab and click the "Add Q&A" button. Enter the question and select the appropriate response type, then provide the necessary information and save the Q&A. To edit an existing question, find the Q&A you want to edit, click the pencil icon next to it, make the necessary changes, and save the updated Q&A. To remove a question, find the Q&A you want to delete, click the trash icon next to it, and confirm the deletion to remove the Q&A from the system.
What is a Standard Expert Response?
A Standard Expert Response is a contextual response generated by the AI based on the information you provide. This type of response allows for dynamic, conversational interactions and can adapt to the context of the user's question, offering flexible and personalized answers.
What is a Fixed Response?
A Fixed Response is a predetermined answer that is displayed exactly as written without any AI processing. This type of response ensures consistency and accuracy in information delivery, making it ideal for frequently asked questions or specific information that should not vary. Note that Fixed Responses are not auto-translated and will remain in the language they were created in.
Can I use Q&A responses as Conversation Starters?
Yes, you can designate any Q&A as a Conversation Starter by checking the "Use this question as a Conversation Starter" box. This creates a quick-access button in the chat UI, allowing users to easily find answers to common questions.
How does the system match user questions to Q&As?
The system uses topic and intent matching to find the most relevant Q&A based on the user's question. Users do not need to ask the exact question as entered in the Q&A; the system will match similar questions effectively.
Can Q&A responses be auto-translated?
Standard Expert Responses can be auto-translated into the user's native language, providing a more personalized and accessible experience. However, Fixed Responses and Forms are not auto-translated and will remain in the language they were created in.
What is the character limit for questions in the Q&A feature?
The character limit for questions in the Q&A feature is 200 characters. This limit ensures that questions are concise and clear, helping the system accurately match user queries to the appropriate Q&A.
Can I include multimedia in Fixed Responses?
Yes, you can include multimedia such as images and videos in Fixed Responses using the rich text editor. This allows you to provide more detailed and engaging answers to user questions.
What is the Pre-Submission Text in Form Responses?
The Pre-Submission Text in Form Responses is a message you can include to explain the purpose of the form to the user. This text can be up to 1000 characters long and appears before the user fills out the form.
What is the Post-Submission Text in Form Responses?
The Post-Submission Text in Form Responses is a message that appears after the user submits the form. This text can be up to 1000 characters long and is used to thank the user or provide additional information.
How can Q&A responses improve user engagement?
Q&A responses improve user engagement by providing quick, accurate, and relevant information in response to user questions. This helps users find the information they need easily and encourages them to interact more with the system.
Can I customize the appearance of Q&A responses?
Yes, for Fixed Responses, you can use the rich text editor to format content. Fixed Responses will be displayed exactly as created, allowing you to present responses that fit your branding precisely.
How can the Q&A feature help resolve inconsistencies caused by conflicting data from file/web sources?
Q&A content is prioritized, meaning if it is considered relevant to a query, it will be chosen first to answer the question. This means if users are getting inconsistent or inaccurate answers, admins can create a Q&A that either has a fixed answer or provides context to ensure the AI generates the correct answer. By using the Q&A feature to address specific areas of conflict, admins can ensure that the most accurate and consistent information is delivered to users.
How does the Q&A feature enhance user experience?
It provides engaging and informative interactions through various response types, ensuring users receive relevant and personalized information.
Last Updated:
October 8, 2024