
Accessing EveryAnswer

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Forms in EveryAnswer are crucial for gathering input from users during expert conversations. They allow for structured data collection, which can be utilized for various purposes such as lead capture, feedback, and more. This documentation provides comprehensive guidance on creating, configuring, managing, and viewing form submissions within the EveryAnswer platform.

Purpose and Uses of Forms

Forms can be used to collect user information, streamline interactions, and ensure that data is captured consistently. You can integrate forms with Expert conversations to prompt users for specific information when it's needed.

Integration with Expert Conversations

Forms can be seamlessly integrated into your Expert conversations, ensuring a smooth and interactive user experience. Once configured, these forms can be triggered during conversations as needed, enabling users to provide required information without leaving the chat interface.

Language and Translation Considerations

EveryAnswer supports virtually all languages used on the Internet. Forms automatically adapt to the user's language preferences, aligning with the multilingual support and response features in EveryAnswer. This ensures users interact with forms in their native language for better clarity and understanding.

Relationship with Q&A Data Source

It is recommended to create forms before incorporating them into your Q&A data source. This helps in effectively managing the data and ensuring the forms are readily available for use in various Q&A scenarios.

Data Storage and Security

EveryAnswer ensures that all form submissions are securely stored, regardless of additional settings. Admins have extensive control over data security and privacy, aligned with organization-wide policies and granular user access controls.

Admin Permissions

Only admins have the permissions to create, configure, manage, and view form submissions. This role-based access ensures that sensitive information is handled securely and appropriately within your organization.

Creating a New Form

To create a new form, follow these steps:

  1. In the left navigation, under Settings, click Experts.
  2. From the list of Experts, click the pencil icon on the Expert you'd like to add data to.
  3. Click on the Forms tab.
  4. Click on the Edit Forms sub-tab.
  5. Click the New Form button.

Form Configuration Pop-up Window

General Settings

  • Form Name
  • Submit Button Text
  • Pre-Submission Text (up to 1000 characters)
  • Post-Submission Text (up to 1000 characters)

Field Configuration

The field configuration table includes columns for Field, Type, Required, and Enabled:

  • New Field button adds a row to the table with inline editing capabilities.
  • Field properties include:
    • Name (e.g., First Name)
    • Type (Text, Phone Number, Email)
    • Required status (checkbox)
    • Enabled/Disabled toggle

Submit Actions

  • Email Notifications (add email address, one per line)
  • Webhook URL

Note: Form submissions are always saved regardless of settings on this tab.

Managing Existing Forms

Editing a Form

To edit an existing form, follow these steps:

  1. In the left navigation, under Settings, click Experts.
  2. From the list of Experts, click the pencil icon on the Expert you'd like to add data to.
  3. Click on the Forms tab.
  4. Click on the Edit Forms sub-tab.
  5. Click the pencil icon beside the form to edit it.

Deleting a Form

To delete an existing form, follow these steps:

  1. In the left navigation, under Settings, click Experts.
  2. From the list of Experts, click the pencil icon on the Expert you'd like to add data to.
  3. Click on the Forms tab.
  4. Click on the Edit Forms sub-tab.
  5. Click the trash can icon beside the form to delete it.

Form Submissions

Viewing Submissions

To view form submissions, follow these steps:

  1. In the left navigation, under Settings, click Experts.
  2. From the list of Experts, click the pencil icon on the Expert you'd like to add data to.
  3. Click on the Forms tab.
  4. Click on the Submissions sub-tab.
  5. Use the filter fields at the top of the table to filter by Form, Date Range, and key form fields.
  6. Click the eye icon beside the submission to view all details of the submission.
  7. Click the trash can icon beside the submission to delete it (useful for spam).

Downloading Submissions

To download form submissions as a CSV, follow these steps:

  1. In the left navigation, under Settings, click Experts.
  2. From the list of Experts, click the pencil icon on the Expert you'd like to add data to.
  3. Click on the Forms tab.
  4. Click on the Submissions sub-tab.
  5. Click the Download button in the top right corner of the table to download the CSV.

Additional Features

EveryAnswer forms come with additional features to enhance functionality:

  • Lead Generation Form: For detailed information on lead capture, see the Lead Capture Documentation.
  • Form Appearance in Chat: Forms are designed to integrate seamlessly within chat interactions, ensuring a coherent user experience.
  • User Interaction Limitations During Form Submission: To maintain form integrity, certain interactions may be restricted until the form is submitted.

Related Documentation

Frequently Asked Questions

How do forms presented by your EveryAnswer Expert facilitate data collection?
Forms presented by the AI Expert facilitate data collection by serving as a structured and user-friendly way to collect specific data or feedback from users. These forms remain static in their presentation and capture consistent responses for every user.
How do forms integrate with Expert conversations in EveryAnswer?
Forms in EveryAnswer are closely integrated with Expert conversations, enhancing the interaction between users and Experts. When a form is associated with an Expert, it can be presented during conversations to collect specific information from users. This integration allows for seamless data gathering within the context of the Expert's knowledge domain. Forms can be triggered based on certain conversation topics or user inquiries, providing a structured way to capture important details. The collected form data is then stored and can be used to enrich future interactions, personalize responses, or feed into other business processes. This integration ensures that Expert conversations are not only informative but also actionable, allowing businesses to gather valuable data while providing assistance to users.
How can I view form submissions in EveryAnswer?
Viewing form submissions in EveryAnswer is a straightforward process. First, navigate to the Experts section in the left navigation menu under settings. From the list of Experts, click the pencil icon next to the Expert associated with the form you want to view. Once in the Expert's settings, click on the Forms Tab and then select the Submissions sub-tab. Here, you'll see a table of all submissions. You can easily filter the submissions by Form, Date Range, and key form fields using the filter options at the top of the table. To view all details of a specific submission, click the Eye icon next to it. If you need to remove a submission, perhaps due to spam, you can do so by clicking the Trash Can icon. For a comprehensive view of all submissions, you can download them as a CSV file by clicking the Download button in the top right corner of the table. This feature allows you to efficiently manage and analyze the data collected through your forms.
How can I download form submissions?
Downloading form submissions in EveryAnswer is a simple process that allows you to access and analyze your collected data offline. To download submissions, start by navigating to the Experts section in the left navigation menu under settings. Select the relevant Expert by clicking the pencil icon next to their name. In the Expert's settings, click on the Forms Tab, then select the Submissions sub-tab. You'll see a table displaying all form submissions. To download these submissions, look for the Download button located in the top right corner of the table. Clicking this button will initiate the download of a CSV (Comma-Separated Values) file containing all the form submission data. This CSV format is compatible with most spreadsheet applications, making it easy to import, view, and analyze your form data using tools like Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets. By downloading submissions, you can perform more in-depth analysis, create reports, or integrate the data with other systems as needed for your business processes.
How do I create fields within a form configuration?
Creating fields within a form configuration in EveryAnswer is done through an intuitive interface during the form creation or editing process. When setting up a new form or editing an existing one, you'll find a table of fields in the Field Configuration section. To add a new field, simply click the "New Field" button, which adds a new row to the table. You can then configure each field using inline editing. For each field, you'll define several properties: the Name (e.g., "First Name"), the Type (options include Text, Phone Number, and Email), whether it's Required (via a checkbox), and its Enabled/Disabled status (using a toggle). This flexible system allows you to create a variety of field types to collect the specific information you need. You can add as many fields as necessary to your form, customizing each to suit your data collection requirements. Remember that well-designed fields are crucial for gathering accurate and useful information from your users, so consider carefully what data you need and how best to structure your form fields.
What are the general settings available when configuring a new form?
When configuring a new form in EveryAnswer, you'll encounter several general settings that allow you to customize the form's appearance and functionality. These settings are typically found in the Form Configuration pop-up window under the General Settings section. The primary options include the Form Name, which is used to identify your form within the system. You can also customize the Submit Button Text, allowing you to use language that best fits your form's purpose or your brand voice. Additionally, you have the option to add Pre-Submission Text and Post-Submission Text, each with a limit of up to 1000 characters. The Pre-Submission Text can be used to provide instructions or context to users before they fill out the form, while the Post-Submission Text is ideal for thank-you messages or next steps after form submission. These general settings help you create a more personalized and user-friendly form experience, guiding users through the submission process and setting appropriate expectations. By carefully configuring these settings, you can enhance user engagement and improve the overall effectiveness of your forms.
Can I trigger forms during Expert conversations?
Yes, forms can be triggered during Expert conversations in EveryAnswer, but their triggering mechanisms are specific and limited to certain methods. Currently, there are two main ways to trigger forms: the lead generation method and through Q&As. With the lead generation method, a form can be presented either before the user asks their first question or immediately after they've asked their first question. This approach is particularly useful for capturing initial user information or qualifying leads at the start of an interaction. Alternatively, forms can be triggered through Q&As, where specific questions or topics in the conversation can prompt a relevant form to appear. It's important to note that forms are not dynamically triggered based on the general flow of the conversation. Instead, their appearance is predetermined based on these specific triggers you set up.
What happens to form submissions regardless of the submit action settings?
Form submissions in EveryAnswer are always saved within the system, regardless of any additional submit action settings you may configure. This means that even if you haven't set up email notifications or webhook integrations, every form submission is securely stored and accessible within the EveryAnswer platform. You can view these submissions at any time by navigating to the Forms Tab in the Expert's settings, then selecting the Submissions sub-tab. This default behavior ensures that no data is lost, even if there are issues with external notifications or integrations.
Who can create, edit, and delete forms in EveryAnswer?
Forms in EveryAnswer are managed at the Expert level. Two types of administrators can handle forms: Workspace Admins and Expert Admins. Workspace Admins have full control over forms for all Experts in the workspace. Expert Admins have the same capabilities, but only for the specific Experts they manage. Both can create, edit, and delete forms, configure submission settings, and view or download submissions.
Can fields be marked as required in a form?
Yes, fields can be marked as required in EveryAnswer forms. When configuring a form, you'll find a table of fields in the Field Configuration section. Each field has a 'Required' checkbox. By checking this box, you make that field mandatory for users to fill out before they can submit the form. This feature ensures that you collect all necessary information from users. Remember to use required fields judiciously to balance between gathering essential data and maintaining a user-friendly form experience.
How can I filter form submissions?
To filter form submissions in EveryAnswer, use the filter fields located at the top of the Submissions table. These filters allow you to narrow down submissions by Form, Date Range, and key form fields. This feature makes it easy to find specific submissions or analyze data from particular forms or time periods.
Can I customize the text on the form's submit button?
Yes, you can customize the text on the submit button of forms in EveryAnswer. When configuring a form, you'll find a "Submit Button Text" field in the General Settings section. This allows you to change the default text to any wording that suits your needs. You might use this feature to make the button more specific to your form's purpose, align it with your brand voice, or simply make it more engaging for users. Customizing the submit button text can help improve user experience and potentially increase form completion rates by making the action more clear or appealing to your audience.
Can form data be processed through webhooks?
Yes, form data in EveryAnswer can be processed through webhooks. In the form's "Submit Actions" section, you can specify a Webhook URL. This can connect to automation platforms like Zapier and, or to custom-developed endpoints. Webhooks allow real-time data transfer to these services or your own applications, enabling automated workflows and integrations. This feature supports both ready-made solutions and custom development. Remember, all submissions are always saved in EveryAnswer, regardless of webhook settings.
How do I delete a specific form submission?
To delete a specific form submission in EveryAnswer, follow these steps: Navigate to the Experts section in the left nav under settings, then click the pencil icon for the relevant Expert. Go to the Forms Tab and select the Submissions sub-tab. In the table of submissions, locate the one you want to remove. Click the Trash Can icon beside that submission to delete it. This feature is particularly useful for removing spam or erroneous submissions. Remember, deletion is permanent, so use this function carefully.
Can I add multiple email notifications for form submissions?
Yes, you can add multiple email notifications for form submissions in EveryAnswer. When configuring a form's submit actions, you'll find an Email Notifications section. Here, you can add multiple email addresses, entering one email address per line. This allows you to notify several team members or departments simultaneously when a form is submitted. Each listed email address will receive a notification containing the form submission details, ensuring that all relevant parties are informed promptly about new submissions.
What kind of messages can I display before and after form submission?
EveryAnswer allows you to display custom messages both before and after form submission. In the form configuration, you can set a Pre-Submission Text and a Post-Submission Text, each with up to 1000 characters. The Pre-Submission Text can be used to provide instructions, set expectations, or offer context to users before they fill out the form. The Post-Submission Text is ideal for thank-you messages, next steps, or any information you want to convey after a user submits the form. These customizable messages help create a more informative and user-friendly form experience, guiding users through the submission process and acknowledging their input.
Where can I find more information on using forms for lead generation?
For detailed information on using forms for lead generation in EveryAnswer, you can refer to the Lead Capture Documentation. This resource provides in-depth guidance on leveraging forms specifically for lead capture purposes. To access this documentation, navigate to the "/documentation/lead-capture" section of the EveryAnswer platform. There, you'll find comprehensive information about setting up and optimizing forms for effective lead generation, including best practices, configuration options, and integration possibilities. This dedicated documentation will help you maximize the potential of forms for capturing and managing leads within the EveryAnswer ecosystem.
How are forms displayed within EveryAnswer's chat interface?
Forms in EveryAnswer are displayed directly within the chat interface as part of the Expert's response. They appear inside a message bubble from the Expert, just like any other response in the conversation. This seamless integration means the form is presented as a natural part of the dialogue, whether triggered by lead generation methods or specific Q&As. Users can fill out the form without leaving the chat flow, maintaining a cohesive conversation experience. This design ensures that data collection feels like a natural extension of the interaction with the Expert, rather than a separate process.
Last Updated:
October 8, 2024